Monday, January 28, 2008

Shrove Sunday Party

The Shrove Sunday Party will be held at Baseline Middle School following the Sunday service on February 3rd. The original location had a conflict that day. We will bring in pizza, pop, and salad and have board games and video games set up (we'll try to use the big screen if we can). Children bring a gift to give ($5 maximum), and adults bring a "white elephant gift" to exchange ("white elephant gifts" cannot be bought, must come from your home, and are preferably tacky in an endearing sort of way.) All are welcome!


Andrew Sicard said...

It was Fun....No one seems to use the blog anymore.

Anonymous said...

I liked the party to Andrew. As for the blog, maybe we need to put up a topic that people really want to talk about and then encourage people to chime in. Any ideas?