Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bishop's Visit & One Year Anniversary!

Save the dates of November 5th & 6th!

Bishop Guernsey will be making his visit to the parish on these days, and you will have the opportunity to spend some time with he and his wife Meg.

Here's the schedule:

November 5th: Bishop Guernsey will be visiting the Men's Group on Wednesday morning, and the Bishop and Meg will both be visiting the Women's Group Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday evening, beginning at 6pm, we will meet at Baseline Middle School for Evening Prayer and a time of teaching by the Bishop, followed by dessert, coffee, and a Q & A session. For those who haven't yet been able to meet the Bishop, this is a perfect opportunity to get to know him and understand a little more about Christianity in general and Anglicanism in particular.

If you are willing to make a dessert for this event, or help setup/tear down, we could use some volunteers for this evening. Contact Fr. Andrew if you are available to help.

November 6th: Our one year anniversary celebration is Thursday evening between 6pm and 9pm at Baseline Middle School. This is a great opporunity to invite your friends for a relaxed evening of games, music, and food. We will serve chili and cornbread, have games for kids, and music for everyone. The bluegrass/folk group, Smalltown Heroes, from West Lafayette, Indiana will be performing as the main act, and our own Holy Trinity Praise Band will be opening for them. Drop in for 15 minutes or spend the whole evening, but be sure not to miss it.

If you would like to provide Chili, cornbread, or a drink you can sign up over the next few Sundays (sign up sheets are in the back of the church) or you can contact Fr. Andrew. We could also use some help setting up and tearing down.

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